paule48: 6458 Ready for a Bath
paule48: 6462 Two Seasons
paule48: 6463 Fountain in the Fall
paule48: 6461 Tapestry of Colors
paule48: 6459 Contrasting Trunks
paule48: 6460 Contrasting Trunks 2
paule48: 6457 Took the Calico
paule48: 6456 Common Checkered-Skipper,
paule48: 6454 Clouded Sulphur
paule48: 6455 Moth on Thistle
paule48: 6453 Purplish Copper
paule48: 6448 Backlit Badger
paule48: 6449 Puddling Clouded Sulphurs
paule48: 6450 Backlit Grazing
paule48: 6451 Puddle Visitor
paule48: 6452 Long Reflections
paule48: 6444 Begging 1
paule48: 6443 Family Group
paule48: 6469 Head Twist
paule48: 6468 Standing Tall
paule48: 6464 Baby Mouse
paule48: 6467 Delicate
paule48: 6466 Striking Sky 2
paule48: 6465 Striking Sky
paule48: 6446 Moose in a Slough
paule48: 6445 Begging 2
paule48: 6436 Margaret Pushing the Raft
paule48: 6435 Floating Away on the Raft
paule48: 6434 Pushing the Raft 2
paule48: 6433 Pushing the Raft