paule48: 6721 Spring Song
paule48: 6720 Looking Back
paule48: 6722 Unidentified Soldier Fly
paule48: 6718 Mud Gathering
paule48: 6719 Striped Coralroot
paule48: 6714 Young American Robin
paule48: 6712 Mourning Dove Nest
paule48: 6713 Nesting
paule48: 6716 Margined Calligrapher?
paule48: 6717 Singing Savanah Sparrow
paule48: 6711 Intent
paule48: 6709 A Little Itch
paule48: 6710 Who Are You?
paule48: 6708 Coltsfoot
paule48: 6707 Female American Redstart
paule48: 6628 Banded Soft-winged Flower Beetle
paule48: 6620 Perplexing Bumblebee
paule48: 6516 Changeable Flower Longhorn
paule48: 1029 Fog at the Beach
paule48: 6704 Mystery Catch
paule48: 6706 Coming In
paule48: 6705 Immature Bald Eagle
paule48: 6703 Caught a Fish
paule48: 6682 Prunus Miner Bee on Skunkbush
paule48: 6702 Head Scratch
paule48: 6701 Floating
paule48: 6700 Common Mergansers
paule48: 6699 Bonaparte's Gull
paule48: 6698 Otters of Mud Creek 2
paule48: 6697 Otters of Mud Creek