paule48: 3862 Bracket Fungus Underside
paule48: 3863 Fungus or lichen?
paule48: 3864 Cleavers
paule48: 3861 Spring Has Arrived!
paule48: 3860 Brown Fuzzy Buds
paule48: 3852 Cool Green Lichen
paule48: 3853 Splitgill Mushroom
paule48: 3854 Unidentified Moss
paule48: 3856 Fomes Fomentarius bottom?
paule48: 3855 Fomes Fomentarius ?
paule48: 3849 Eaten Osage Orange
paule48: 3850 Piles of Eaten Osage Orange
paule48: 3848 Large Beige Fungi
paule48: 3847 Henbit Deadnettle
paule48: 3858 Brown Bracket Fungus
paule48: 3857 Small fungus
paule48: 3761 Leaves on a Bench
paule48: 3772 White and Pink Pansies
paule48: 3770 Turkey Tail
paule48: 3766 Juniper Skeleton
paule48: 3765 Unwanted Privet Hedge
paule48: 3764 Close-up of Chinese Privet
paule48: 3755 Splitgill Mushroom_older
paule48: 3756 Santa Maria Feverfew?
paule48: 3754 Splitgill Mushroom_ ventral
paule48: 3753 Splitgill Mushroom _ dorsal
paule48: 3758 Yellow Leaf and Reflection
paule48: 3757 Oak Leaf in Puddle
paule48: 3750 Yellow Leaf
paule48: 3752 Curvy Line