paule48: 6786 Two Brown Horses
paule48: 6711 Intent
paule48: 6709 A Little Itch
paule48: 6710 Who Are You?
paule48: 6704 Mystery Catch
paule48: 6706 Coming In
paule48: 6698 Otters of Mud Creek 2
paule48: 6697 Otters of Mud Creek
paule48: 6693 The Treat
paule48: 6685 Head Shot
paule48: 6686 Reflection
paule48: 6626 Biting an Itch
paule48: 6615 Living on the Bales
paule48: 6612 Running Skunk
paule48: 6602 “If it is a good morning, which I doubt.”
paule48: 6580 Columbian Ground Squirrel
paule48: 6572 Summer Ram Portrait
paule48: 6561 Badger
paule48: 6527 Ouch!
paule48: 6517 Big Yawn
paule48: 6518 Resting
paule48: 6481 The Yawn
paule48: 6483 Tasty Treat
paule48: 6482 Nose Licking
paule48: 3926 Klipspringer
paule48: 3931 Cleaning Time
paule48: 3930 Paw Licking
paule48: 3929 Profile
paule48: 3928 Using a Tool
paule48: 3917 Silverback portrait