the meowking: Magnificent Frigatebird (adult male)
the meowking: Magnificent Frigatebirds
the meowking: Magnificent Frigatebird (immature)
the meowking: Stilt Sandpipers
the meowking: White-cheeked Pintail
the meowking: Little Blue Heron
the meowking: Least Sandpipers
the meowking: Least Sandpiper
the meowking: Least Sandpipers and Semipalmated Sandpiper
the meowking: Brown Booby (immature)
the meowking: Common Tern
the meowking: Blackpoll Warbler
the meowking: Puerto Rican Crested Anole
the meowking: Royal Tern
the meowking: Black-faced Grassquit (male)
the meowking: Bananaquit
the meowking: Lesser Antillean Bullfinch (female)
the meowking: Lesser Antillean Bullfinch (female)
the meowking: Gray Kingbird
the meowking: Gray Kingbird
the meowking: Scaly-Naped Pigeon
the meowking: Puerto Rican Crested Anole
the meowking: Spotted Sandpiper
the meowking: Pearly-eyed Thrasher
the meowking: Iguana
the meowking: Green Iguana
the meowking: Black-faced Grassquit (female)
the meowking: anole sp.
the meowking: White-winged Dove
the meowking: White-winged Doves