AlainDurand: A hackney or hackney carriage (also called a cab, hack or London taxi) is a carriage or automobile for hire.
AlainDurand: The FX4 is the classic Black Cab. While the majority are black, there is in fact no requirement for them to be black. Over the years, the FX4 has been sold under a range of brands.
AlainDurand: Motorised hackney cabs in the UK, traditionally all black in London and most major cities, are traditionally known as black cabs (which they were), although they are now produced in a variety of colours, sometimes in advertising brand liveries (see below)
AlainDurand: In London, hackney-carriage drivers have to pass a test called The Knowledge to demonstrate they have an intimate knowledge of London streets
AlainDurand: Between 2003 and August 1, 2009 it was possible to purchase the London taxi model TXII in the United States.
AlainDurand: Quite a few FX4s of all kind have been purshased on the second hand market
AlainDurand: The places to monitor, at friendly prices
AlainDurand: This FX4 is the company car of a real estate and property development agency
AlainDurand: The company heads three developments separated by large distance from each others
AlainDurand: Same town and same location as N798ME a few weeks earlier for this Fairway FX4 which provided for the first pictures of 2011
AlainDurand: While intimidating the Peugeot 306 behind and coming up with Faiway's grille, this FX4 hints she still drives an active life in the UK
AlainDurand: Introduced in 1958, the FX4 was heavily revised 31 years later to create the Fairway.
AlainDurand: Even parking, the FX4 is not to be impressed by any car
AlainDurand: Separated by 500 yards or so, this other Fairway also drove to Colombes to start 2011
AlainDurand: Vacationing in anticipation of another active year