AlainDurand: RATP was not the original operator
AlainDurand: Barely arrived, already set for a new return across downtwon Paris
AlainDurand: TN 6 and Paris city hall
AlainDurand: The TN 6 drove its first guest in 1934 and the last ones in 1969
AlainDurand: Front left wheel
AlainDurand: The driver's office
AlainDurand: Back at the wheel
AlainDurand: The ticket inspector donning grand pa and dad's uniform
AlainDurand: Classic and new.
AlainDurand: On the go for another ride across time
AlainDurand: During the late 1920s, STCRP Mass Transit company opts for replacing tramways with conventional buses. RATP's predecessor selects the Renault TN4 family of buses
AlainDurand: The rear platform turned the TN4s into an instant success with riders. The TN4H was introduced into service in 1936.
AlainDurand: Two crew members were in charge, first was the a driver
AlainDurand: A small suicide door and a foot-step were what the driver needed to take place in the "office"
AlainDurand: The engine was a 4 cylinders fed by gasoline, (petrol for our British fellow members)
AlainDurand: The TN4H was 9.75m long
AlainDurand: The TN4H was 2.35 m wide
AlainDurand: The engine developped 58 hp. Afar, the central part of Paris cityhall
AlainDurand: second crew member was a conductor, also acting as a teller
AlainDurand: There was some competition for staying on the outdoor platform
AlainDurand: Generation gaps, the TN4H is passed by a contemporary Iveco/Irisbus Citelis
AlainDurand: On the road again for a short circuit
AlainDurand: Porduction of the Saviem (and then Renault RVI) SC 10 lasted 24 years
AlainDurand: The SC10 was initially powered by the indigeneous Fulgur (fulgurant !) engine which quickly showed its lack of power
AlainDurand: Including 45 standing and 33 seated, capacity was set to 78 riders
AlainDurand: RATP commissioned a small series of SC10RAs fitted with a rear outdoor platform
AlainDurand: RATP's last SC 10s joined the TN4 in 2003
AlainDurand: Also avialable for events through Locabus, this SC10 is part of the parent company's collection
AlainDurand: This particular VW pre-1971T2 must be one of the best known Kombi(s) in France (Vincennes, 09/05/2010)
AlainDurand: The light truck which drove to the show looks to be a pre-WWII CarryAll