Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): Our son is in town for a week to visit so our family is celebrating #Christmas a few days early so we can share it with him. Luckily Santa understood our logic and agreed to come early tomorrow too. Every Christmas Eve we open one present, and it’s always
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This may be the cutest #puppypile I have ever seen. My daughter is crashed out with our #redbonecoonhound mix and our #fosterpuppy who we are pretty sure is a #blackmouthcur . She is tuckered out from laying wreaths in the rain at #ArlingtonNationalCemeta
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This portrait of my youngest daughter is a #latergram from our visit to #archesnationalpark in early January this year. We were mid hike and the light bouncing off the red sandstone walls of the canyon we were in was too pretty not to take advantage of. O
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): I had so much fun with the octopus #penandinkdrawing the other day I decided to do another. I used more colors of ink in this one, but still focused on basic techniques like #crosshatching and #pointalism to create this #drawing. Also, I seem to be in an
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): We have been doing a lot of #art in our #homeschool lately that we base off of the biology or botany that we are studying. I’ve been joining my girls in the practice and decided to work on my line work. I’d never done a pure pen/ink drawing before so I fi
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): So it turns out #goatyoga is a thing I was just oblivious about. Before my husband signed me up for an hour of it today. I’m not great at yoga. I am pretty good at playing with #babygoats. . . . . . . #goats #kid #yoga #fun #babygoatselfie #babygoatyoga #
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): These are part of the #petroglyphs at #MesaVerdeNationalPark . They were very neat to see in person, though somehow smaller than I expected even though it took up a fair bit of area on the rock. It was so worth the hike to go see these.
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This was a fun section of #petroglyph trail in #MesaVerde #NationalPark along the way to the glyphs. Needless to say if my kids hadn’t been excited to hike this trail before they saw this, they were from there out. . . . . . . . #MesaVerdeNationalPark #Co
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): I might not get my girls to these amazing locations at the best photographic time of day, but we get there. This is a pic of my girls at the top of #petroglyph trail in #MesaVerdeNationalPark in #Colorado . The cliff edge in front of them drops away sever
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This was a wonderful day spent #hiking in #ArchesNationalPark , this particular #SandstoneArch is one of the #WindowArches. . . . . . . #moab #utah #southernutah #desert #desertadventure #rockymountainwest #highdesert #nationalpark #makingmemories #winter
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): My #2017bestnine were all of travel and pups. There are worse things. These were all highlights of my year, and I’m glad they made others smile. I’m determined to make 2018 even better. #happynewyear2018
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This is #Vestrahorn #mountain in #Iceland . We camped at the base of it overnight and then came out onto the #blacksand dunes to photograph it at #sunrise . Most of the dunes have gold grass growing in too and they dunes are tall enough to turn the area i
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): So as I mentioned before, #Iceland has so many views that are amazing for the #abstractart and layers of depth that remind me of art, not real life. This is a tiny section of a giant #mountainside that I really liked. Sadly it wasn’t one of the truly amaz
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): The #northernlights over #kirkjufellsfoss in #Iceland . This was how I checked the #auroraborealis off my #bucketlist and it was amazing. First of all, when I showed up it was already dark, so I didn’t realize the parking lot was at the bottom and there w
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): Talk about a #farm with a view. Oh it’s nothing, just a #glacier in my back yard. #Iceland has so many grand vistas and beautiful sights, I have to wonder if this farmer has grown immune to the wonder of where he lives. . . . . . . #ice #snow #mountains #
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This is a #moss covered #lavafield on the #Snaefellsnes peninsula, in #Iceland . There is actually a very famous sight right behind me (the famous black church in #budir / #búðir) but I wasn’t able to photograph it because refused to be That Tourist (you
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This is far from the most dramatic #northernlights that we saw while in #iceland but this pic is one of my favorites because it is, both from the first time I ever got to see the #aurora and because with a little bit of #lightpainting from my headlamp I w
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This photo was taken on #diamondbeach in #Iceland. It is right below #jokulsarlon #glacier lagoon and where many of the small #icebergs that calf off of the glacier end up getting washed back to shore from the surf. The ice gets compressed so much from al
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This #iceland pic is shot from behind the same #waterfall from my last post. It is called #kvernufoss and is near to Skogafoss. It isnt nearly as big or famous as Seljalandsfoss which is the other waterfall you can easily walk behind, but we both like it
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This #waterfall I think must be one of the most underrated ones in #Iceland. It was less than a quarter of a mile from Skogafoss, which is one of the most popular in Iceland. Here though, you have to go on a small hike of at most twenty minutes to get to
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): We snapped this from the car as we were driving. Sights like this are everywhere in #Iceland. Naomi was laughing at me because every time we went around a bend in the road I was oohing and aging and wanting to stop the car and get out t take a pic with my
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This was from yesterday and I though about waiting to share it, but since I have a minute. Naomi is goofing off as normal, in front of the #iceberglagoon where the #glacier you can see in the background calves icebergs which float across the lagoon, down
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): We parked our campervan at the foot of #skogafoss #waterfall so we could wake up to this amazing view. Even better we were treated to an amazing northern lights show over the top of the waterfall before bed. It was amazing. The #rainbow just topped it off
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): This was our first sighting of a #glacier here in #Iceland and so far this trip has been amazing. Naomi is standing in front of #skaftafell which you can just see in the distance behind her, between the two peaks on either side.
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): At the #Smithsonian #AirAndSpaceMuseum. This is in the #WWII exhibit. #washingtondc #nationalmall #tiredfeet
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): Another from our #michigan #lakehouse mini #vacation We spent a lot of time on the water. My oldest was showing our #presacanario the catfish she had caught. Again, I'm not sure whether dog or girl enjoyed the #fishing more. Her #sisters jumping off the d
Pink Shoe Studios (@_MelissaR): Are you ready for some #vacation pics? Because I've a few to share from a recent trip to stay at a friend's #lakehouse in #michigan. It was an amazing few days. I'm not sure who enjoyed #fishing most, my hubby, my girls (she caught quite a few perch after