jennifertonettispellman: © jennifertonettispellman-28
Lisa Hart Garpestad: i-heart-faces-230
Amy Locurto: Making the hashtag sign! The last class of the day can get a little silly! Had a blast teaching at the @iheartfaces Photography Conference. #iheartfaces #conference #love #cute #fun
Amy Locurto: Couple
Amy Locurto: Amish Laundry
Amy Locurto: Leaf the size of your head
Amy Locurto: Amish Country
Amy Locurto: Friends
Adrienne in Ohio: IMG_9859-copy
tristan.lynae: IMG_4161 copy
tristan.lynae: IMG_4336 copy
tristan.lynae: IMG_4308 copy
tristan.lynae: IMG_4345 copy
tristan.lynae: IMG_4431 copy
tristan.lynae: IMG_4448 copy
tristan.lynae: IMG_4580 copy
tristan.lynae: IMG_4764 copy