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Pocket-sized, handmade journals filled with prompts, prayers and deep love headed to their new owners soon. #sacredcircle #iamthevessel #soulwork
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"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." - Marcus Aurelius Today opportunity and giftedness intersected in a beautiful exchange with a kindred spirit. #grateful #i
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Fed my soul today with a rainy day prayer walk and ethereal music. #refill #iamthevessel
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"Come in! Come in! tell me who you are. What are you doing? live with a fierce face, heart pounding, rushing eagerly forward." #foundpoetry #Sundaymeditations #iamthevessel
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"Art is a spiritual act. It takes faith to move onto the page, the stage, the easel." ~Julia Cameron Prepping pages for next week. Putting dreams on paper. #iamthevessel
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Snow in GA is perfect.
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Another handmade journal out the door. Filled with torn paintings and stationary and a little bit of handwritten love. #workofmyhands #iamthevessel
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Painted pages and coffee shop morning. [at the end of a painting session, I empty all the left over paint into my journal. 1. I don't throw away paint. 2. I have a record of the colors that I was using in the context of my writing. I like to see the cr
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Book club quotes and early morning dreams in paint.
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I make people cry and help them find their voice.
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Apple tart flower w cream
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Greeting Card Journal
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Greeting Card Journal
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Just my face
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"She no longer uses old tape measures."
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Simply Fall
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I am the vessel
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Cinnamon in my coffee
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Cinnamon in my coffee
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It's Autumn {and here's how I know}