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Dakota Olsen: spclnd.
-gregg-: falls around the corner 🍁
polyscene: Buffered Steps corrugation
*L: small toubles again
*L: rua em torres
SoulRiser: pretty leaves
kieranreece1994: Ice on a car
川貝母 Inca Pan: 《超親密小戲節 Close to You》主視覺設計
川貝母 Inca Pan: The Youngest Are Hungriest
TelegraphArt: Works-in-Progress
polyscene: wire sculpture: Jeremy Fisher
TelegraphArt: silwa1
polyscene: Tissue Paper Sculpture: Liver, Stomach, Colon and Small Intestine
bellebaudelaire: Bubblegum
Gabee Meyer: missoni inspired