G.Claesson: Lingonberry
G.Claesson: There are still strawberries.
G.Claesson: Grasshoper/Gräshoppa/Heuschrecke
G.Claesson: I see you;)
G.Claesson: I wish you all a Merry Christmas!!
G.Claesson: Sometimes you get dirty!
G.Claesson: Eurasian Nuthatch/ Nötväcka
G.Claesson: Manhattan, New York
G.Claesson: Tulip
G.Claesson: Mute Swan/ Knölsvan
G.Claesson: Rådjur / roe deer / Reh
G.Claesson: White-tailed Eagle/ Havsörn
G.Claesson: Now it has returned, and found a small hole in the ice on the lake. Lovely!
G.Claesson: Fiskgjuse/ Osprey/ Pandion haliaetus
G.Claesson: Have a good tuck-in/ Sich ordentlich satt essen:))
G.Claesson: I'm a little curious ..
G.Claesson: Out to pasture.
G.Claesson: Water Rail / Vattenrall / Rallus aquaticus
G.Claesson: BMW 1955
G.Claesson: Pied Avocet / Skärfläcka /Recurvirostra avosetta
G.Claesson: This beautiful creature I found on Öland's Harvest Festival
G.Claesson: Time to isolate the bird's nest for the winter;))
G.Claesson: Non Violence.
G.Claesson: Is there someone behind my back??
G.Claesson: Fun to play even that result was not so good. :))
G.Claesson: Free fantasy
G.Claesson: Stands in the middle of the food
G.Claesson: Proud rooster
G.Claesson: Are you sitting there behind my back?
G.Claesson: Våren har kommit. Lyckades fånga tre vårtecken på samma bild.