G.Claesson: Humpback whale / Knölval
G.Claesson: humpback whale / knölval
G.Claesson: berry / bär
G.Claesson: Iceland / Island
G.Claesson: It boils in Iceland clay.
G.Claesson: In Iceland the steam out of the ground in several places.
G.Claesson: A flower that I photographed in Iceland.
G.Claesson: When icebergs roll over shifts in the light blue one hour before they turn white
G.Claesson: On the beautiful glacial lake, I took a boat ride among the icebergs.
G.Claesson: Great Skua / Storlabb / Stercorarius skua
G.Claesson: Great Skua/ Storlabb / Stercorarius skua
G.Claesson: Barnacle Goose /Branta leucopsis
G.Claesson: an Icelandic friend.
G.Claesson: Atlantic Puffin
G.Claesson: Atlantic Puffin
G.Claesson: Atlantic Puffin
G.Claesson: One of Iceland´s many large waterfalls
G.Claesson: Sunset over Eyjafjördur
G.Claesson: Iceland