rhugo: A Snailway locomotive
rhugo: Odney Manor
rhugo: Just rusting
rhugo: Not just steam
rhugo: Tender reserved
rhugo: 76079
rhugo: 5199
rhugo: 45157
rhugo: Eastern steam
rhugo: Southern 1946
rhugo: Sir Archibald Sinclair
rhugo: Southern Maid
rhugo: Our steed
rhugo: Footplateman
rhugo: Engineman
rhugo: 1638 and 592
rhugo: All hands
rhugo: King Edward II
rhugo: BR on blue
rhugo: The blue King
rhugo: Evening Star
rhugo: Clipped wings.
rhugo: This bit goes in that bit
rhugo: Spring into motion
rhugo: Tea's up
rhugo: 73050
rhugo: 48151
rhugo: 4920
rhugo: Clean green machine
rhugo: Le Roi