ms.sad: Beautiful day in #Seattle, #Gasworkspark. #Lakeunion
ms.sad: Close-up view of #Mothra #heart #Godzilla #applique I made. Embroidery, sequins, cut-up #denim jeans, and pleather used in the applique. #DIY #Japan #craft #sew
ms.sad: #monster totebag I made. I love #Mothra and decided to stick #Godzilla on there, too. Besides, I think they both have the 'hots' for each other. Opposites attract, even when you battle over the planet Earth! #DIY #sew #handmade #craft #applique #love #Jap
ms.sad: Cool Cat
ms.sad: clouds on beach- near Ocean Shores
ms.sad: clouds on beach- near Ocean Shores
ms.sad: clouds on beach- near Ocean Shores
ms.sad: clouds over Ocean Shores
ms.sad: Mt. Rainier at Sunset- January 2012
ms.sad: Clouds on Beach- Ocean Shores
ms.sad: Sun, Clouds, beach- near Ocean Shores
ms.sad: Storm brewing over Georgetown, Seattle, November 2011
ms.sad: Storm brewing over Georgetown, Seattle, November 2011
ms.sad: Storm brewing over Georgetown, Seattle, November 2011
ms.sad: Storm brewing over Georgetown, Seattle, November 2011
ms.sad: IMAG1209Storm brewing over Georgetown, Seattle, November 2011
ms.sad: IMAG1206Storm brewing over Georgetown, Seattle, November 2011
ms.sad: IMAG1202Storm brewing over Georgetown, Seattle, November 2011
ms.sad: Sunset out my Apt. Window....Fall 2011
ms.sad: Firefighters
ms.sad: Firefighters
ms.sad: Firefighters working
ms.sad: Firefighters on the scene
ms.sad: The scene of the fire
ms.sad: N 45th St. in Wallingford....
ms.sad: Oodles of Firefighters
ms.sad: Road covered in hoses
ms.sad: Smokey scene
ms.sad: Fire near Molly Moon's
ms.sad: Firefighting