DundeeTags: MB! RIDERZ 013
krimestyles: Massive shouts to all the Liverpool gang from us here at VK and SFM HQ. March 13 #krime #kryme #krimestyles #scottishgraffiti #dundeegraffiti #liverpoolgraffiti #graffiti #wildstyle
krimestyles: Huge wall VK HTB SFM TDA. Liverpool march14 #krime #kryme #krimestyles #scottishgraffiti #graffiti #wildstyle #dundeegraffiti #dundee #liverpoolgraffiti
krimestyles: Little train.
connect it like tetris: Rakems. Vanity Theft.
krimestyles: dundee
paco graff: kryme paco easi
paco graff: paco dla
m v v k: DSCF1886
Stewart_JM: Partick
Drive IC VK: Drive_Krime_Ms_Shyne_New_York_September2013_5Pointz
krimestyles: 5ptz sep 13 nyc character duty. #save5pointz
krimestyles: Drive kryme shyne char by kryme VK tours nyc 13 #save5pointz
Dangeri: HTB rocking Mann St in Liverpool today
connect it like tetris: more experimenting.
Dangeri: Leake street Snot today
paco graff: arkoz paco dla
paco graff: paco sfm
connect it like tetris: Sleep Deprived Days.