Vickie Lacharité: Coucher de soleil sur le lac
Vickie Lacharité: Tramway d'Amsterdam
Ajsha L.: Inseparable ❤️
Ramon Casas: Athene noctua - El mussol de la deessa Atenea, rapinyaire nocturn
AchimOWL: Kohlmeise (Parus major)
Ramon Casas: Platja Can Comes - Aiguamolls d'Emporda
joseagc: Milano real
Saha Horria Fotografía: flamenco común / The greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)​
Lisa Z Photography: Foggy Lake
Ron Buening: Swinging By
Vladimir Vulf: _B7A7909
Verde River: 4.9-1
Teruhide Tomori: Little Egret
jandewit2: IJsvogel.
Ron Buening: Treats on the Ground
mezy3: Nord-France Leers
S2TDD: Little Fluffy Clouds
Alex Zehnder: Bei Allenwinden
Alexandre Gugler: Fauvette mélanocéphale
Fossil Light Images: A Lollipop Kind'a Morning
David Renwald: Vermillion Flycatcher
drrich123: Yacht Swift anchored at Wofoh Raja Ampat Indonesia
#Sacho#: Autumn 08 (in Explore!⭐)
jm canfran: "Caminar sobre el agua"
donmai651: Not a chill to the Winter but a nip to the air
---ZaBBeY---: Great Horned Owl
Corrado Buzzini: Cinciarella
Omygodtom: Summer Clicks.