haru*春: a giraffe   キリンKIRIN
haru*春: a ferris wheel and sky blue
haru*春: 京都美山のかやぶきの里 The village of the thatched houses in Miyama,Kyoto
haru*春: 京都美山のかやぶきの里 The village of the thatched houses in Miyama,Kyoto
haru*春: 京都美山のかやぶきの里 The village of the thatched houses in Miyama,Kyoto
haru*春: 京都美山のかやぶきの里 The village of the thatched houses in Miyama,Kyoto
haru*春: 京都美山のかやぶきの里 The village of the thatched houses in Miyama,Kyoto
haru*春: a car and cosmoses
haru*春: The roof tiles 瓦KAWARA are beautiful.
haru*春: Myoshinji temple 妙心寺 in Kyoto
haru*春: The roof tiles瓦KAWARA are beautiful.
haru*春: Myoshinji temple 妙心寺 in Kyoto
haru*春: Myoshinji temple 妙心寺 in Kyoto
haru*春: Japanese fireworks
haru*春: Japanese fireworks
haru*春: Japanese fireworks
haru*春: Japanese fireworks
haru*春: one red   紅一点
haru*春: a butterfly 蝶々
haru*春: a rainbow on the fountain
haru*春: lotus
haru*春: lotuses which bloom in the all over.一面のハス
haru*春: a dragonfly on my finger.
haru*春: Honmura in Naoshima 直島、本村の町並み
haru*春: artwork in Benesse Museum.
haru*春: artwork in Benesse Museum.
haru*春: artwork in Benesse Museum.
haru*春: Benesse museum
haru*春: From the porch of the the hotel's room