teeal-minksy: DSC_3963.JPG
aexelaender: Diamant 1945 Umbau
JG50: Old/Antique Skull Postcard
Norveg: russian prison tattoo 14
John A. Jones Almanacs: Vinegar Bitters Almanac, 1879
John A. Jones Almanacs: Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Almanac and Weather Forecasts, 1929
redmann: All My Mirrors Are Windows
Misteriddles: born to lose
::HΔK3N::: 6 Trebol
\V/: \V/ Skull Old School \V/
spider™: Nicky Guerrero, 1990, S.Cliver
jibp7177: Powell Peralta Bones Brigade1986
sidneyarakaki: Powell Peralta
doctorhectic: Red Devil
simlik: AC Cobra Poster
sninesix: Triple Cobra
flavor pictures: DSC_3486
Netherland Art: IMG_0176
Felix Winqvist: CGT in LA
Banjo Brown: Bruce Wayne has nothing on this kid.
geozilla: Alien Knuckle GID
greased batt: first factory painted Greasebat
Jesús VR: Scalextric nocturna - Slot cars at night - Tunning series circuit
persian_ojos: sailorjerry
starbeard: From the father of Art Nouveau