Bela Frank: Kerning #inprogress #type is #coming #serif #boldfacefoundry
Stewf: die Revolution entlässt ihre Kinder, 1955 book cover
Florian Hardwig: Eine ✶ Mollenhauer ✶ Blockflöte
fraghorst: beachclub
Sergiy Tkachenko / 4th february: Akzentica 4F in use | Book Bohdan Solchanyk
Stewf: Type Cooker at Type Camp
WACH91: w91
Carnoky Samo: Inka Display Regular
inkjane: practice sheets for book covers
Sonia García Quiroga: Primera... o segunda... ¿o tercera? versión de la "a" de Aviador.
kunstschule-wandsbek: Daria Selenov: Rapport
Florian Hardwig: Erasmusbrug (lettering)
Florian Hardwig: ITC Galliard italic
typojo: Vitrine #41 – Tibetan Music Notation – Jo De Baerdemaeker – 01.05-21.05.2014 Bibliotheek Sint-Lukas – Paleizenstraat 70 – 1030 Brussel
j l t: letterpress invitation
Calderon_type: Planet Express / Available on Myfonts
ninastoessinger: Collective first semester aftermath, back up on the wall for the Reading students’ visit
ninastoessinger: whispers_gradient
Carnoky Samo: pf 2014
Peter Van Lan: Letterpress font for children
César Puertas: Printouts
Carnoky Samo: Inka / type in progress
LarsSchwarz: Deberny & Peignot Specimen Leaflets
LarsSchwarz: Fonderie Olive: Vendome
Official Classic: YWFT showing
In Memoriam: mil3n: possibilities of a lowercase g