podchef: Tapping sugar maples. First strong run of 2013.
podchef: Tapping sugar maples. First strong run of 2013.
podchef: Baked goods ready for market.
podchef: How much is too much?
podchef: A sketch of an idea.
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podchef: Croissants fresh out of the oven.
podchef: Croissants fresh out of the oven.
podchef: Croissant dough ready to roll.
podchef: A heavy horse & a tumbling sky brewing heavy weather....
podchef: Our leftover batards & Seigle aux pommes make fantastic French Toast!!
podchef: On our way to wassail this year's apple crop with our rye & apple boules.
podchef: They'll all taste great... Misshapen batards come out if the oven.
podchef: Our 1st custom cake order...chocolate truffle cake with raspberry filling.
podchef: Pain de Seigle aux Pommes. 1st attempt.
podchef: Rosy fingered dawn breaks the snowcast sky & spreads across the farm.
podchef: Bread display rack & crates done. 11th hour.
podchef: Just your average display & delivery box. Only 5 or so more to make.
podchef: Just your average display & delivery box. Only 5 or so more to make.
podchef: Today's the day the bakery gets inspected & hopefully we get out license.
podchef: Today's the day the bakery gets inspected & hopefully we get out license.
podchef: Today's the day the bakery gets inspected & hopefully we get out license.
podchef: Fussy client keeps having me add stuff. 8^)
podchef: Playing with the dough sheeter. Rolled out tortillas for dinner in 5 min.
podchef: Stocking the bakery.
podchef: What it says.
podchef: Much warmer in the polybarn.......