hankowil: Foremost front line
Wooway1: Reverse Slope Trench
juju1418: Kronprinz and Hindenburg visiting the Sturmbataillon (1916)
juju1418: German equipment captured after the war (1918) 1/2
juju1418: Anti-tank camouflaged artillery 1917-1918
Karl Bandow: WW1 German Soldiers pose with Hotchkiss Cannon
hankowil: Landscape of war
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Garribaldi „Freikorps“ Thorn. Februar 1919.
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Maschinengewehrschützen
✠ drakegoodman ✠: „Stand vom Langer Max“
✠ drakegoodman ✠: „Tanks bei Brie 1918“
Wooway1: August 23/24 1917 Gut Sturm
juju1418: Flamethrower operator with Kleif M.1912 (1914-1916)
juju1418: Beutepanzer during the spring offensive (1918)
Wooway1: Mannequin for Luring Snipers ?
juju1418: Beutepanzer near La Bassée (April, 1918) 1/2
juju1418: Beutepanzers Grete and Liesel (May 1918)
juju1418: "GROSSER DEUTSCHER TANK" (A7V 560, 1918)
hankowil: 15 cm gun near Ypres
evdokia.kalintseva: Naval gun (47 m/m) at the position near the village of Cieciory. 1915
hankowil: In the Crater
juju1418: "Stürmender Tank" Sturm-Panzer-Kraftwagen-Abteilung Nr. 3 and Sturmbataillon Rohr? in 1918
juju1418: Leichter Kampfwagen I (LKI, 1918)
juju1418: Assault troops training in France (1917)
juju1418: Assault troops badge of IR368 (1917) 1/2
hankowil: Gruson Fahrpanzer
hankowil: Flak
juju1418: Assault troops (1916-1918)
Karl Bandow: Soldiers of the Freikorps, immediately Post-WW1
hankowil: Company HQ