湯小米: 行走在粉色之間
CraigGoodwin2: Palouse Panorama
Utah Astrophotography: A Very Dark Place
Shang-fu Dai: 日月潭~四手網船銀河星空倒影~ Milkyway above Sun moon lake
Ritzelmut: 46p_2018_12_04_21-30h_ASI071color_RASA_12x75sec_highGainLownoise_Flat&BiasFLICKR
WherezJeff: Imagine, Edmonton
Vincent_Ting: 白川鄉合掌屋 合掌造り,Gassho house,Shirakawa-go
Vincent_Ting: 日本只見線鐵道 ただみせん, Japan
Vincent_Ting: Moon and Milky way, 合歡山
Long-Sheng Chen: DSC_2539
Long-Sheng Chen: DSC_8313-編輯
Tony.Pan: Perseids over head
Brian Devonshire: Windy Point - Ridge - Perseid Meteors Aug11-13
Tony.Pan: Amazing geminid meteor shower with 150+ZHR
lensofjon: Seek Within (Dogwood Week 30 - Circles) 10.07.2016
Shang-fu Dai: ~藍寶石琉璃~ Colored glass light
Sandra Herber: Hail Core
rafaberlanga: I-will-not-fall
Elia Locardi: The Sentinel
Utah Astrophotography: Alpine Pond MW
JamesPicture: The Dove Valley
hepic.se: Post thunderstorms
©Helminadia Ranford: Foggy Morning from Bromo National Park
Utah Astrophotography: Technicolor Rainbow
Wei, Willa: Monument Valley
Vincent_Ting: Cherry Blossoms Road 櫻木花道.. 吉野山,日本,よしのやま,Nara
geekyrocketguy: January 2018 Lunar Eclipse