evcdel: Arvo1
evcdel: roman-pool-featured-image-2
evcdel: Lake_Marathon_Dam,_Greece
evcdel: jumpingintopool-1024x683
evcdel: 230924-tigst-assefa-ha-ec0622
evcdel: seabirds_1920x1080
evcdel: OTP 28 OTP Bingo Board - 1
evcdel: Purple canyon with cedars
evcdel: Cards against Momotony
evcdel: Mine cart
evcdel: Wigs
evcdel: ArmstrongStairs
evcdel: SimShulma’s ball gown
evcdel: Meet Percival (Percy).
evcdel: OCMeme
evcdel: Broken SW Caretaker bobblehead.
evcdel: The perfect fanfic notebook, found at the McKee Road Target, Fitchburg, WI, on 8 July 2018.
evcdel: Woodcut illustration of ore separating/sorting from Georgius Agricola, De re metallica (1556).
evcdel: BillabaDume
evcdel: Honor Guard medallion
evcdel: A new drawing in an old sketchbook. Not even sure which character it is.
evcdel: A new drawing in an old sketchbook. Not even sure which character it is.
evcdel: BOGCoverImage
evcdel: Peppers from my friend and colleague Alex. These actually have some heat.
evcdel: More tomatoes and peppers.
evcdel: Io, my sister-in-law's dachshund.
evcdel: IMG_3644
evcdel: IMG_3642
evcdel: IMG_3641
evcdel: IMG_3639