*Tonka*: ...pogledaj,
*Tonka*: Light a light
*Tonka*: I wish...
*Tonka*: Lino
*Tonka*: Tea and oranges
*Tonka*: Otputovati....
*Tonka*: Raskršće
*Tonka*: U svakom slučaju
*Tonka*: You can bring your dog
*Tonka*: A couple of light years ago
*Tonka*: Into my arms
*Tonka*: Perfect Day
*Tonka*: I See A Darkness
*Tonka*: Where are you calling from?
*Tonka*: Desert Rose
*Tonka*: Sometimes
*Tonka*: Hurt
*Tonka*: A soft place to fall
*Tonka*: Malena
*Tonka*: It's just me and my dog
*Tonka*: Je crois qu'on ne peut rêver...
*Tonka*: femme fatale
*Tonka*: Aja