micommo1: Humpback whale I seen feeding it's calf while I was fishing.
micommo1: Hippo's mouth
micommo1: Snow Owl
micommo1: DSC_0362aW
micommo1: DSC_0455aW
micommo1: DSC_0193aW
micommo1: Tiny jumping spider in my bathroom
micommo1: Irish Fire
micommo1: Irish Pony
micommo1: Purple Dragon
micommo1: Tree Ent Family
micommo1: house finch 2
micommo1: house finch 3
micommo1: Old White Tiger
micommo1: rhinoceros
micommo1: Rhino
micommo1: Here kitty kitty kitty.
micommo1: MMMMM Dinner!!!
micommo1: Monkeys are cool well only some monkeys!!!
micommo1: Monkeying around now are we.
micommo1: Reindeer
micommo1: Flock of Flamingos! Say that 5 times fast!!
micommo1: Pink Flamingo
micommo1: Well hello!
micommo1: Giraffe at the Safari Park in Germany!
micommo1: A House Finch???
micommo1: Moon in Denmark
micommo1: Man on the Denmark beach