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Visual Adventures: Flamingo feeding in brackish lagoon. Las Bachas beach, Santa Cruz, Galapagos. #birds #flamingo #pink #travel #wildlife #galapagos #ecuador #NikonNoFilter
Visual Adventures: I'm hungry. Did you know that the Galapagos mockingbird is an omnivore? These active birds feed on everything from bugs to seeds to eggs to baby turtles to sea lion placentas. #galapagos #birds #ecuador #ecotravel #adventure #NikonNoFilter
Visual Adventures: What's up? A Galapagos nazca booby stretches his neck to get a better view. #Galapagos #Ecuador #birds #wildlife #travelphotography #NikonNoFIlter
Visual Adventures: You lookin' at me? Galapagos owl on the island of Genovesa. These beautiful raptors spend their lives hunting prey on the lava fields of the Galapagos islands. #galapagos #birds #raptor #owl #ecuador #NikonNoFilter #NikonUSA
Visual Adventures: Dark as night. The Galapagos lava heron stealthily hunts its prey of crabs and fish. When it finds an unsuspecting animal to eat, it spears it with its long, sharp beak. #galapagos #ecuador #birds #heron #wildlife #lava #NikonNoFilter #NikonUSA
Visual Adventures: Tiny beauty. Galapagos large-billed flycatcher posing on a lava rock. There's nothing large about this diminutive damsel. #birds #Galapagos #Ecuador #wildlife #travelphotography #NikonUSA
Visual Adventures: Shout it out! The Galapagos penguin is the world's only penguin that lives in the northern hemisphere. #Galapagos #Ecuador #marine #wildlife #bird #NikonUSA
Visual Adventures: Red feet. The Galapagos red footed booby is able to nest in trees due to its unique prehensile feet. This bird is a cousin to the blue footed booby. #Galapagos #Ecuador #birds #red #wildlife #travel #NikonNoFilter
Visual Adventures: Lord of the flies. The Galapagos mockingbird often hangs out by marine iguanas in search of flies and insects. This one strikes a pose in the morning light. #Galapagos #Ecuador #ecotravel #birds #reptiles #wildlife #NikonUSA
Visual Adventures: Those eyes. The Galapagos swallow tailed gull has a vibrant red ring around the perimeter of its eyes to indicate that it is in breeding condition. This is the world's only fully nocturnal seabird. It preys on squid that rise to the surface at night to fe
Visual Adventures: Red, white and blue. Another shot of the Galapagos red billed tropicbird in flight. #galapagos #birds #birdinflight #ecuador #nature #wildlife #NikonNoFilter
Visual Adventures: Tropical tail. One of my favorite birds in the Galapagos Islands is the red billed tropicbird. These graceful fliers are easily identified by their long tail streamers. I love watching them in flight! #galapagos #birds #birdinflight #ecuador #nature #wild
Visual Adventures: Singin' the blues. The blue footed booby is quite the hunter, often searching in cooperative groups for small fish like anchovies. Their technique is to circle above the water, then torpedo dive from 80 feet to nab their prey. #galapagos #ecuador #birds #
Visual Adventures: Standing tall. This Galapagos penguin stands only about 12" and is one of the smallest penguin species. Snorkeling with these little guys is always one of highlights of travel to the Galapagos. #penguin #marinelife #birds #adventuretravel #Galapagos #Ecua
Visual Adventures: Hawk eye. The Galapagos hawk is endemic to the Galapagos islands. These beautiful raptors feed on small invertebrates, snakes, lizards, and rodents. #birds #wildlife #nature #galapagos #ecuador #NikonNoFilter
Visual Adventures: Two New Classes with CreativeLive Hey people! CreativeLive and I invite you to join us next week for two new classes. I'm totally stoked to be working with their rock star production team for these live broadcasts on flash photography and DIY photography
Visual Adventures: Dramatic lava formation on the Galapagos shoreline. Should you shoot your pictures as horizontal or vertical compositions? The best answer is both! Check out the article at our blog. #Galapagos #Ecuador #travelphotography #NikonNoFilter #Nikon #blackandw