gemma reddington: Summer Barn Owl
Dave Cappleman: On the Rocks.
Lindsey1611: Distance
lynneberry57: THE MOST IMPORTANT...........
Gavin Hardcastle - Fototripper: 'Moonlit Sandcut' Sandcut Beach, Vancouver Island
womboyne7: Sunrise at Second Bay, Coolum.
BingleymanPhotos: Evening light
normanwest4tography: Puffin - Fratercula arctica
Squatbetty: Aloha!
Kerriemeister: Call of the wild...
Kerriemeister: Oh what a beautiful morning!
gemma reddington: Red Kite In Flight
robin denton: Gannets
KHR Images: Barn Owl
Kerriemeister: Holidays missed... (Explored)
Brian + H & H: Inspiration
womboyne7: The Lonely Beach.
Squatbetty: Cycle for Dementia - Ride 9
Lindsey1611: Missing Pieces
BingleymanPhotos: Blaven....
Kerriemeister: Thrush under a bush...
Brian + H & H: Osteospermum Margarita White Spoon
Squatbetty: Cycle for Dementia - Ride 8
robin denton: Guillemot