r.dalmook: Dome of superiority.
Ra3y_il_G: nawalny alhatef wgaly 5eth na'6er w shoof....3ainy esh.hdat 9oorah knha samm 3grbah........ theek ely s3aitlha '3dt lil bluetooth wjh m2loof...wtaaly nshad 3n 7aaly wma lgaitlah ajwbh (bss che il g9eeda..knt ash0of vid 5saas)
Ra3y_il_G: To MY $wEet Flickr CoNTacT's..i've decided to give U thE BE$T flowe iN ThE whole WorlD Because ,u desirve it :D ........... (this pic will not be deleted) ;D
YaWaiL7aLy.. TimeToMoveOn!: ًKill Ur Self??
~Trouble Maker~: shaawaa5yyyyyyyyyy