Jean Desuraune: Paris Arts et Métiers
Jean Desuraune: Paris Chut !
eKouvaki: Apnea
lynn smith: 50 per cent less sugar
Mr Vanek: Baby Picnic
Elsaumiroir: Meditation avec l'oiseau
Elsaumiroir: Ce qui ne peut danser au bord des lèvres - s'en va hurler au fond de l'âme.
sprcubi: untitled
Farshad Sanaee The Apple: My Bird Of Paradise, Acrylic mix on hardboard 40x80 cm By Farshad Sanaee The Apple
Farshad Sanaee The Apple: Teleport, Acrylic mix 0n hardboard visible in the dark 61 x 81 cm by Farshad Sanaee The Apple
Farshad Sanaee The Apple: Magic Watchroom, Acrylic's mix on hardboard 61 x46 cm. By Farshad Sanaee. #2020
Farshad Sanaee The Apple: The Chamber, acrylic mix on hardboard 45x61cm visible in the dark. By Farshad Sanaee.
Peggy Dembicer: Drum Circle
Danny W. Mansmith: accumulation
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2307
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2312
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2311
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2323
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2331
cannellfan: Birdhouse Gourds
beatme_x: top expo
beatme_x: nest
beatme_x: landart
Howard J Duncan: Broken Pieces
Howard J Duncan: Allegorical
Howard J Duncan: Any Questions?
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2326