Gav the White Van Man: Robin (Erithacus Rubecula)
Gav the White Van Man: Black Necked Grebe (Podiceps Nigricollis) 1
Gav the White Van Man: Black Necked Grebe (Podiceps Nigricollis) 2
Gav the White Van Man: Run Away Run Away
Gav the White Van Man: Dunnock (Prunella Modularis)
Gav the White Van Man: Blue Tit (Parus Caeruleus)
Gav the White Van Man: Jay (Garrulus Glandarius) 1
Gav the White Van Man: Jay (Garrulus Glandarius) 2
Gav the White Van Man: Jay (Garrulus Glandarius) 3
Gav the White Van Man: Jay (Garrulus Glandarius) 4
Gav the White Van Man: Jay (Garrulus Glandarius) 5
Gav the White Van Man: Herring Gull (Larus Argentatus)
Gav the White Van Man: Giant Otter Close Up
Gav the White Van Man: Young Deer (Fallow?)
Gav the White Van Man: Pair Of Otters 1
Gav the White Van Man: Pair Of Otters 2 (Asian Short Claw)
Gav the White Van Man: Pair Of Otters 3 (Asian Short Claw)
Gav the White Van Man: Otter Having Dinner
Gav the White Van Man: Rail Inspector Not Happy
Gav the White Van Man: Coot (Fulica Atra)
Gav the White Van Man: Young Highland Cow
Gav the White Van Man: Highland Cow
Gav the White Van Man: Rosy-Billed Pochard (Netta Peposaca)
Gav the White Van Man: Young Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor)
Gav the White Van Man: Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor)
Gav the White Van Man: Tufted Duck (Aythya Fuligula)
Gav the White Van Man: Mallard Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos)
Gav the White Van Man: Robin (Erithacus Rubecula)
Gav the White Van Man: Dunnock (Prunella Modularis) 3