Swaranjeet: The old camel man walks back . . . BK2W0201-EditJanuary 20, 2014
Ray Robles: American Coot
barnowlterry: Song thrush [ Explored]
CONTROTONO: Chiesa della Badia di Sant'Agata (Catania)
AdithetoS: Secret beautiful Ypati...!
Paul B Jones: Female Evening Grosbeak - Coccothraustes vespertinus - Gros-bec errant - Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada
Fabio Rage: Rufous-collared Sparrow (Tico-tico)
PriscillaBurcher: Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster (Red-bellied Grackle/Cacique candela)
Swaranjeet: But I am trying boss . . . 5D3L1760editNovember 11, 2013
Rajani Chand: #flickr12Days - Indian Spotted Eagle (ISE)
Ramalakshmi Rajan: My shot as Book Wrapper
Betty Vlasiu: Red-winged Blackbird (female)
jpgamero: The observer
Ragavendran / ♥Rags♥: There is a Naughty Playful Child hiding within every Grownup
barnowlterry: Buzzard
jpgamero: Aguilucho lagunero
Fabio Rage: Guira guira (Anu-branco)
jorge jane photography: Burrowing Owl
Conrad Tan: Merlin doing a yoga stretch!
Ray Robles: Yellow Warbler
Betty Vlasiu: Juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
John Mac Giolla Phádraig Leisen: Immature Male Osprey,.
novasdtr: IMG_2130
Swaranjeet: Strong man from rural India . . . 5D3L3990editbw
ayashok photography: சமர்ப்பணம் | Surrender
Sekitar: Spiegelkabinett, Stadtschloss Fulda, Hessen
amish_patel: Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)