Babycatchers with Leeum: Singing traditional Danish songs at the fire
Babycatchers with Leeum: The boys lite the fire...
Babycatchers with Leeum: Getting ready to watch the fire be lit!
Babycatchers with Leeum: We were taught how to make snobrød...
Babycatchers with Leeum: Leeum and the gang help get ready for the bonfire
Babycatchers with Leeum: Adorable Sophie
Babycatchers with Leeum: Mikkel makes the 'witch' for the Sankt Hans bonfire...
Babycatchers with Leeum: YAHOOO the worlds largest icecream
Babycatchers with Leeum: Argggg...maybe I wasn't up for the challenge of eating worlds largest icecream!!!
Babycatchers with Leeum: Leeum and his new bestfriend, Mikkel
Babycatchers with Leeum: View from the top of the Round tower
Babycatchers with Leeum: Marijke stands in the old lavatory
Babycatchers with Leeum: The ramp to the top of the Round tower
Babycatchers with Leeum: Famous round tower
Babycatchers with Leeum: Nyhavn, one of the most beautful areas of København
Babycatchers with Leeum: Canal boat trip around København
Babycatchers with Leeum: Snuggling with Sophie
Babycatchers with Leeum: STAND 5 FEET AWAY!!
Babycatchers with Leeum: Walking Sophie to sleep
Babycatchers with Leeum: Roof off...sun we go!
Babycatchers with Leeum: Can I be a warrior mom?
Babycatchers with Leeum: Help I can't get out of the tent!
Babycatchers with Leeum: Didn't get darker than this in Norway
Babycatchers with Leeum: After 10 hours of driving we drank this wine straight from the bottle
Babycatchers with Leeum: Catching a last minute ferry across the Oslofjord...
Babycatchers with Leeum: Anyone curious about what a Farts Humper is...