GOPBI: 2013-03-30 21.19.58
GOPBI: BKK Disptacher's desk
GOPBI: BKK: Inter-Airport Buses
GOPBI: BKK: Current Timetable
GOPBI: entrace to soi
GOPBI: front of BKK Self-Storage
GOPBI: Inside the storage area
GOPBI: Turn Left, walk towards the car exit
GOPBI: turn right at the car exit.. walk forward
GOPBI: Here is the Novotel
GOPBI: at the end of the car exit, cross the road
GOPBI: Walk thru the car park/parking building
GOPBI: enter the car park/parking building
GOPBI: cross the roadway to the cark park/parking building
GOPBI: cross the roadway to the cark park/parking building
GOPBI: View of the bus on my 1000 trip DMK-BKK
GOPBI: DMK bus departure point
GOPBI: Timetable posted at DMK
GOPBI: New VAT Reclaim center
GOPBI: AirAsia Ticket Sales/Service Counter
GOPBI: Row #1: International only
GOPBI: Row #2: Web check-in, bag drop only
GOPBI: Row #3: Domestic check-in only
GOPBI: All three check-in rows
GOPBI: New & improved access point for Amari Don Muang Hotel
GOPBI: IMG-20121006-01246