Marwakod: #marina #dubai the floated city and beyond
Marwakod: #petra ❤️
Marwakod: Then it comes to. Be the soothing light at the end of the tunnel
Marwakod: Freedom is colors ....
Marwakod: Happiness is a journey not a destination,,,,
Marwakod: ولم (أقع ) في الحب لقد مشيت اليه بخطى ثابتة مفتوحة العينين حتى أقصى مداهما اني ( واقفة) في الحب لا (واقعة) في الحب
Marwakod: هي لم تكن من سلالةنساء الانتظار، لكنها من دون ان تدري، في كل ما تفعله تنتظره
Marwakod: Love has so many colors but some people are color blinded :)
Marwakod: " هل في وسعي أن أختار أحلامي!!!!، لئلا أحلم بما لا يتحقق"
Marwakod: Oreo milk shake
Marwakod: Direction is much more important than speed. Many are going no where fast :)
Marwakod: A portrait of food story <3
Marwakod: كنت دائم الاعتقاد أن الصورة، كما الحب، تعثر عليها حيث لا تتوقعها. إنها ككل الأشياء النادرة.. هدية المصادفة
Marwakod: I'm strong on the surface not all the way through i ve never been perfect but neither have you ;)
Marwakod: Your VALUE doesn't decrease on someone's inability to see your worth :)
Marwakod: Dear Lens Say Hi to spring :) 2014
Marwakod: The SWEET SWEET taste of cheese cake <3
Marwakod: INFINITY
Marwakod: The self is not something ready_made but something in continuous FORMATION through CHOICE of Action :)
Marwakod: ROYALS
Marwakod: "Beauty is Eternity gazing at it self in a Mirror" KHALIL JUBRAN
Marwakod: When There is love! <3 There is hope :)
Marwakod: Life Goes on..... wether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown or STAY Behind, Locked in the past ,Thinking what could have been>>>> :)
Marwakod: Life is every where you look! :D
Marwakod: Yum Yum! Syrian Food All the way! "MUTABBAL"
Marwakod: Damascus University, Mountain QASION
Marwakod: ROYALS
Marwakod: POliCE
Marwakod: أنا من دمشق أنا من مجرة الياسمين
Marwakod: Come on!! LOOK AT ME!! :O