General JJ: Scaling The Walls
General JJ: Fight in the Courtyard
Rphilo004: Microscale Battlecruiser Hyperion
LegoKlyph: Juan Solo
Nachapon S.: Elog s LXF Lego LD75059_-_sandcrawler PANOD 75059 Sandcrawler
ConceptCollector: Star Citizen ENV Armitage concept art
ConceptCollector: Guild Wars 2 artwork
SilverMorph: Phantom Program
ConceptCollector: planet concept art by DudeVader
ConceptCollector: Star Citizen ENV Armitage concept art
ConceptCollector: Halo Wars Forerunner concept art
Sir Brick: Organization
| Fade |: Broken Borders
[MIXBRIX]: Mobile Suit MS-24S
ConceptCollector: Airship Battle by chedoy
Littlehaulic: Chub-bee!
MacLane: CubeDude MythBusters
Legohaulic: ATLAS and P-Body
Blake's Baericks: Rivendell
bermudafreze: Gun Platform
Mechanekton: CEC Sleipnir
Lego Junkie.: Drat Rod
Lego Junkie.: Addler Police Drone.
Lego Junkie.: Wall-E
Lego Junkie.: AP 35-T Cargo Lifter.
Lego Junkie.: Pokemon
Lego Junkie.: Jokerette.
Lego Junkie.: Portal the Moon!
Lego Junkie.: Gremlin Tank.