PhotoToasty: Jerbourg Point, Guernsey
hkvam: a strong brew
davidhirstphoto: The-buck-stops
5canner: Airlight Sonnet
LifeLover4: Strung Out
espion: Tomato
iboogaloo: Long shots
e X i t 1 3 p h o t o g r a p h y: are you a high roller?
Hughes500: deep watersplash
Valpopando: Night church
Valpopando: Valpoclassic !
Pascal Rouen: Beach Huts - Side by Side at the Seaside
vexed&confused: More empty roads and things
Pianoman75: Grand Central: motion/still
!!sahrizvi!!: teamwork
!!sahrizvi!!: catch at dusk
!!sahrizvi!!: new begining
rinji C: Mountbatten grad
Ian Junor: Coloured Pencils in a Glass Tumbler
Patokskie: Rimming =D
Philippe Sainte-Laudy: Details on red
F-2: Glass Marbles
F-2: Destiny