dr_abhijit: Sunrise at Kanyakumari
dr_abhijit: Sunset at Poovar
dr_abhijit: rock garden
dr_abhijit: Innocence
dr_abhijit: Road to heaven passes through hell
dr_abhijit: Reflective Nature
dr_abhijit: Fragile Reflection
dr_abhijit: IMGA1575a
dr_abhijit: DSC00383a
dr_abhijit: Flower power
dr_abhijit: Shimla at night
dr_abhijit: Rest a while
dr_abhijit: Capturing myself
dr_abhijit: the road ends here
dr_abhijit: Searching warmth
dr_abhijit: Let there be light
dr_abhijit: For You, My Love
dr_abhijit: Baspa valley - the most beautiful place on earth
dr_abhijit: splendours of lucknow
dr_abhijit: full moon
dr_abhijit: durga
dr_abhijit: colours
dr_abhijit: light and shade
dr_abhijit: good morning