SquirrelFocus: OCMQG feb mtg
SquirrelFocus: OCMQG feb mtg
SquirrelFocus: OCMQG feb mtg
SquirrelFocus: OCMQG feb mtg
SquirrelFocus: OCMQG feb mtg
SquirrelFocus: OCMQG feb mtg
SquirrelFocus: OCMQG feb mtg
SquirrelFocus: OCMQG feb mtg
SquirrelFocus: OCMQG feb mtg
SquirrelFocus: OCMQG feb mtg
SquirrelFocus: IMG_0029
SquirrelFocus: IMG_0027
SquirrelFocus: Its a Medium World
SquirrelFocus: California Commuting Quilt
SquirrelFocus: Grande Arche Flowers
SquirrelFocus: Modern Liberty (back)
SquirrelFocus: Modern Liberty (front)
SquirrelFocus: Serpentine Quilt (back)
SquirrelFocus: Serpentine Quilt (Front)
SquirrelFocus: Music Quilt (back)
SquirrelFocus: Music Quilt (Front)
SquirrelFocus: X and Plus (back)
SquirrelFocus: X and Plus Quilt (front)
SquirrelFocus: Basic Grey 100 Blocks of Tula
SquirrelFocus: Amish Christmas (back)
SquirrelFocus: Amish Christmas (front)
SquirrelFocus: Came home from work and found this waiting for me! Gorgeous half square triangles (so tiny). Thank you @sstebal1 - for the extra goodies, too... I love Charlie Harper designs. #starbucksmugrugswap
SquirrelFocus: Mug rug #starbucksmugrugswap
SquirrelFocus: Mug rug #starbucksmugrugswap
SquirrelFocus: Hope my partner likes the fabric choice...ordered matching solids and should be ready to go the last in February!