Norm ;-): 129A4377
Norm ;-): 20210611_161245_resized
Norm ;-): 20210730_151758_resized
Norm ;-): Night shot.
Norm ;-): Night shot
Norm ;-): The Aurora Australis photographed from the top of our farm.
Norm ;-): The Aurora Australis photographed from the top of our farm.
Norm ;-): Night shot at Lake Tekapo
Norm ;-): John Deere 8295R with Proforge Discs
Norm ;-): New Holland and John Deere with Proforge Inverta discs
Norm ;-): 129A5299
Norm ;-): 129A1707
Norm ;-): 129A1698
Norm ;-): 129A2871
Norm ;-): 129A1758
Norm ;-): Ryan Bush Kenworth
Norm ;-): Ryan Bush Kenworth
Norm ;-): Ryan Bush Kenworth
Norm ;-): 20150728_164030[1]
Norm ;-): 20150728_163937[1]
Norm ;-): 20150727_073923[1]
Norm ;-): 20150530_073328[1]
Norm ;-): 20150518_074026[1]
Norm ;-): 20150518_073219[1]
Norm ;-): IMG_6574
Norm ;-): IMG_6570
Norm ;-): IMG_6567
Norm ;-): IMG_6563