Ro Cafe: Carnation
Dip's Photography: #Flexibles
Helen Orozco: Random
probis pateo: Love In A Mirror
@ingedavid: Macro Mondays theme : "Corner"
nagyistvan88: If You Are Thirsty #2 (Explore 2021/11/07)
karen's focus: Sprinkle holes.jpg
Lisa@Lethen: Pinky Balloon Knot ..x
stopdead2012: Catch22
ryorii: Button
dbourdon47: Circles
hehaden: Coming up for air
Zandgaby: High Key lampoon - second shot at MM
Mr Winegettr: If only there was a toothpaste that reduces hateful language.
xaro...: The other side
auntneecey: keyhole
Erbin D'kay: carpenters nail pouch
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: glass kitty with flame behind
f8shutterbug: cookbooks
Little_lurcher: On a thruppenny bit
Through Serena's Lens: Fragile and still beautiful
Wajid Qureshi Photography: Lockdown: Plastic leaves iin my living room: #MacroMondays #Plastic
suzanne~: Three Snails - HMM!
fotowayahead: #NaturalShells and a bit of fun
deja blue: IMG_7414
Pioppo67: guscio