designHER Momma: Tonight's the last night in Indy for the kids and I for a very long time. Tomorrow we depart to MI for a couple weeks, as we wait for our sea container to slow boat our things across the globe. #BelgiumOrBust
TheBurghBaby: leapintospringl
niseag03: 04/47: Rainy night
Just Shireen: I woke up like dis.
designHER Momma: My Sunday afternoon serenade. She's kinda really not bad.
niseag03: 05/47: Suspended
designHER Momma: Kid got a new sport coat for fall. Says he's gonna wear it when @elidej and Mr. Matt do their "princess thing". And by "princess thing" he means get married.
TheBurghBaby: IMG_0558
TheBurghBaby: We are addicted to growing crystals!
niseag03: Fall leaves
niseag03: 358: Taps
PiecesofmeJen: Soothing
TheBurghBaby: January 2011 099