pizzatime: 3020923724_af436db68c_o
pizzatime: glenn
pizzatime: a wall of pretty lights
pizzatime: Nintendo booth
pizzatime: Nintendo booth
pizzatime: PlayStation booth
pizzatime: WoWzers
pizzatime: You devil you
pizzatime: XBox's booth didn't change either
pizzatime: Proof I was there
pizzatime: so many lights
pizzatime: Nick & Garman are overwhelmed
pizzatime: Soldiers, but few booth babes
pizzatime: The EA pavilion
pizzatime: Pretty...
pizzatime: EA's booth didn't change at all from 2005
pizzatime: The hall was tall
pizzatime: The nerd convention
pizzatime: The main entrance
pizzatime: Werewolf Gunslinger
pizzatime: Nick shows his cards
pizzatime: Chuck amok
pizzatime: Chuck goes wild
pizzatime: Which one's Todd
pizzatime: Matt & friend
pizzatime: Garman charmin' a chimp
pizzatime: Gorilla Garman
pizzatime: Nick protects the boyz
pizzatime: See any resemblance?
pizzatime: Prime mates