WinRuWorld: Sundown sky fire
horticultural art: 60922.01 Senecio cineraria 'Silver Dust', Nipponanthemum nipponicum. Zinnia 'Profusion White'
Eric Gofreed: The Parrot and the Bromeliad
horticultural art: 59417.01 Phlox, Nipponanthemum nipponicum, Rudbeckia Sedum, Miscanthus Anemone japonica, Hydrangea paniculata, Colchicum giganteum, Colcuicum 'Waterlily',
Eric Gofreed: Western Bluebirds
Todd Amacker: A collection of freshwater fish from Eastern Tennessee.
Eric Gofreed: Violet-eared Hummingbird
Eric Gofreed: Peregrine Falcon-4331
Eric Gofreed: Resplendent Quetzal
Eric Gofreed: Townsend's Warbler
Arthur Anker: Treehoppers (Membracidae) of Ecuador
Eric C. Reuter: Harlequin Duck profile (Drake)
Eric C. Reuter: Harlequin Duck (Drake)
Eric C. Reuter: Harlequin Duck (Drake)
cotinis: Painted tiger moth
sm4him: July27_0364edit2web
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Filled Mason Jar Oil Lamp
BioDivLibrary: n422_w1150
exoticperu: Sweet dream
Jack Long Photo: Spring Rose_3250
RobMaGo: White-eyed Vireo
cotinis: Dogwood borer
RobMaGo: Marsh Wren