Audrey R Hoff: Red-shouldered Hawk IMG_0476
Audrey R Hoff: Red-shouldered Hawk IMG_0475
Audrey R Hoff: Tree Swallow
Audrey R Hoff: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Audrey R Hoff: Horned Grebe IMG_0965
Audrey R Hoff: Barn and Cliff Swallows IMG_0939
Audrey R Hoff: Bonaparte's Gull IMG_0957
Audrey R Hoff: Greater Prairie Chicken IMG_0848
Audrey R Hoff: Greater Prairie Chicken MVI_0849
Audrey R Hoff: Prairie Ridge Lek IMG_0868
Audrey R Hoff: Wh-wgCrossbill 102_8823.jpg
Audrey R Hoff: Broad-winged Hawk
Audrey R Hoff: Clay-colored Sparrow
Audrey R Hoff: Clay-colored Sparrow
Audrey R Hoff: Red-shouldered Hawk nestling
Audrey R Hoff: Red-shouldered Hawk
Audrey R Hoff: Red-shouldered Hawk
Audrey R Hoff: Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Pinhoti Trail, AL
Audrey R Hoff: Evening Grosbeaks on feeder at Whitefish Point, MI
Audrey R Hoff: Evening Grosbeaks, Red-winged Blackbird
Audrey R Hoff: Loons on Lake Superior, Whitefish Point, MI
Audrey R Hoff: Northern Hawk Owl, my favorite bird of the trip.