C. Velasco (patch): SCRAPPY LOG CABIN
loveauntmaggie: Sunday Brunch Jacket, more details & photos in link below #loveauntmaggie #sundaybrunch
crozette: Sunday Brunch Jacket in Sarah Jane Sommer Canvas
FrancesSuzanne: Oliver + S, Building Block Dress
STORY QUILT: DIY Tulips Pouch Patchwork quilted digital pdf pattern in Etsy
EmilyG (thepeahead): Sunny day shorts and class picnic blouse
Juliamom2009: Popover Tunic and Sunny Days Shorts
fifthlampdown: The Dread Pirate Henry
Townmouse: Eloise top and Sienna skirt in Paperie
KatyBellaBug: Moneta Dress
sashatheriot: Oliver and S Garden Party Dress
kmac0107: Garden party dress
ASM_Blue: Liberty Easter Dress
K8H Michigandering: Ice Cream Dress Front
K8H Michigandering: Owl Wings and Hat
ASM_Blue: A Pink outfit for a special day
ASM_Blue: Sunday Brunch Jacket
KatyBellaBug: Winter Scarf Set
KatyBellaBug: Figgys Banyan Shorts
emma & paul 2008: Babymütze
emma & paul 2008: Häuschen im Grünen
Ileen M: Pillowcase
finallysewing: Sleepy time pals pillow
emma & paul 2008: Märchenbeutel The floss box
emma & paul 2008: Ostern 2014
emma & paul 2008: Herr Hase und Fräulein Maus
Bazmia: Mini lit up paper houses
Bazmia: Australian brushtail possum
mariaborgesduarte: Paneled Sunsuit by CallAjaire - size 5
mariaborgesduarte: Paneled Sunsuit by CallAjaire - size 5