vsquare1: the still kingdom!!
vsquare1: friendship needs no language!! :)
vsquare1: the lost grey! :)
vsquare1: the grey side!!
vsquare1: that early rise! :)
vsquare1: A shot from bhuk aag hai!
vsquare1: the firey change!!
vsquare1: just born! my new love :)
vsquare1: then wait for the work!
vsquare1: The Entrence!!
vsquare1: The Followers!!
vsquare1: he and his shadow!!
vsquare1: that eveining!!
vsquare1: when it become essential fire and winter it is like getng god when you need him!!
vsquare1: the orange connection!
vsquare1: love is in the air!
vsquare1: irritated!!
vsquare1: when two eyes stare you!!
vsquare1: the night text!
vsquare1: unconditinol love!
vsquare1: evening call!!
vsquare1: once upon a time there!!
vsquare1: the golden lady!!
vsquare1: “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” ― Margaret Atwood, Bluebeard's Egg
vsquare1: redness shot during diwali puja!!
vsquare1: the Fresh start!!
vsquare1: reflection all over!
vsquare1: night makes me fell happy!!
vsquare1: angry cat!
vsquare1: and i am alone