luislabeaga: Bodegón con anémonas
luislabeaga: Bodegón clásico con manzanas y peras
luislabeaga: Bodegón clásico con uvas y nueces
luislabeaga: Bodegón clásico con nueces
~LiliAnn~: Still life with Oranges
Tatyana Skorokhod: Still life with autumn flowers and fruits
Studio d'Xavier: Still Life with Three Pears
memoryweaver: First Signs of Spring.
Tatyana Skorokhod: Still life with a bouquet of spring flowers
~LiliAnn~: Still life with grapes and seashells
Tatyana Skorokhod: Still life with vegetables
VintageReflection: vanitas piraten
Simon Caplan: Jam Doughnuts and Coffee
Tatyana Skorokhod: Still life with spring tulips and marshmallows
Helmut Hess: old staff
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