blugrass: Skunk cabbage seed head
blugrass: coral fungus
blugrass: Dyer's polypore 2
blugrass: Dyer's polypore 3
blugrass: Dyer's polypore
blugrass: Eastern Americam jack-o-lantern fungus
blugrass: Fairy parachutes
blugrass: Honeydew eater fungus
blugrass: Orange mycena 2
blugrass: Orange mycena
blugrass: Turkey tails
blugrass: white oak leaf
blugrass: Fairy parachute
blugrass: Lion'smane mushroom (perhaps)
blugrass: Okra bloom
blugrass: Cryptomeria cones
blugrass: bolete mushroom
blugrass: Partridgeberry and moss
blugrass: fungus
blugrass: single mushroom
blugrass: standing alone
blugrass: beech drop flowers
blugrass: gilled mushroom
blugrass: Lion’s mane mushroom 2 (perhaps)
blugrass: yellow and white