blugrass: MyFlickrYear24 Photo
blugrass: Eastern Bluebird 7
blugrass: Bald Eagle 2
blugrass: Bald Eagle 3
blugrass: Bald Eagle
blugrass: flying into the sun
blugrass: Dark-eyed junco 3
blugrass: Dark-eyed juncos
blugrass: cant see me
blugrass: Bald Eagle 4
blugrass: Tufted titmouse 2
blugrass: Red-tailed hawk (4)
blugrass: White-throated sparrow 4
blugrass: Crow calls
blugrass: Tufted titmouse
blugrass: Turkey vulture
blugrass: Blue jay
blugrass: scratch that itch
blugrass: Eastern Bluebird 6
blugrass: Northern flicker
blugrass: White-throated sparrow 3
blugrass: Song sparrow 4
blugrass: the sky is mine
blugrass: Dark-eyed junco
blugrass: up and away
blugrass: Bluebird on the box
blugrass: Wister Walk
blugrass: Song sparrow 3
blugrass: American robin
blugrass: white-breasted nuthatch